PFS Check Presentation

About a dozen members visited Pockets Full of Sunshine to get a photo of our big check. More importantly, we learned about what PFS is doing in our community. Leaders shared and explained what they were doing to coach others to learn how to contribute in the our local area.

Check out their online store for items produced or contact them for a need that you may have.

For the members, it was rewarding to see what was being done by PFS for the “Rays” and overwhelming to be greeted with such gratitude.

October ’22 Award Partnership with Heritage Classic Foundation

The 100MWC selected Pocket’s Full of Sunshine for our October distribution. It seems simple enough in that we had 98 actual contributing members so you think it would result in $9800 being donated to the organization. 

Well actually, we will be awarding $13,548 as a result of our meeting across the three needs presented! 

With the help of members making incremental donations and receiving an additional grant from the Heritage Classic Foundation, we are able to donate $12,548 to Pockets Full of Sunshine, $500 to OPFOB and $500 to SC Nurses Retention Incentive as a group.

Thanks for the support!